Alberto  Reguera, the Spanish artist selected for  War on Hunger Group Art Exhibition and Art Auction in OECD in Paris

The War on Hunger Group (WHG) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. For this occasion, the Group will organise, on 16th September, an auction of contemporary works of art donated to WHG by several French and international artists which will be held at the OECD headquarters, Chateau de la Muette, Paris 16ème. Exhibition 8- 17 September 2014
This gala evening auction will be presided by Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, and Honorary President of War on Hunger Group. This exceptional event will celebrate 50 years of the Group’s work and ongoing efforts to collect funds to support micro-development projects, addressing the poorest strata of the population in developing countries. All of the profits from this auction will go to finance projects supported by the Group. 
All generous donators will be invited to the event and will receive an invitation in due course.
The auction will be a private event and the results will not be disseminated to the public at large. We can highlight other international  artist selected. For example, photograph Yves Langlois  (France) ;  Marianne Heske (Norway) ;  Josef Hack   (Germany); Michael Haftka (United States)  Zhou Xiaoping. Xiaoping  (Auatralia) ; Freerk (Netherlands); Douglas Macdiarmid (New Zealand)..Hakan ESMER (Turkey), among others...

Alberto Reguera  is honored to participate  in this project with  the abstract landscape:

Sinfonías Cósmicas con teturas


"All my gratitude to Mr Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, and Honorary President of War on Hunger Group. to Mr Ricardo Díaz- Hochleitner,Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the OECD;  to Ms  Kyriaki Efstathiou, Co-Présidente War Hunger Group  /OECD- GLF/OCDE ; to  Marie-Florence Estime,Co-Vice-President, OECD War on Hunger Group (WHG) ;to Grahan Vickery ; and Emyli Groves." .(Alberto Reguera)



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